sandbaggers: Re: Belinda and Diane

Re: Belinda and Diane

Brad Groat (
Sun, 11 Sep 94 12:17:14 MDT

Ernest Adams penned the following indelible statement..:
> NO other subordinate does
> this. Willy calls him "boss," Alan called him "sir," Laura calls him
> "sir."

I've always thought that Willy calling Neil 'boss' was a very
familiar and affectionate title. Calling someone 'sir' is much
more formal. This difference I think indicates the difference in
the relationships between Burnside and his sandbaggers. Willy is
quite different because there seems to be less regard by Willy to
Niel as a superior because Willy knows that Niel is from the same
professional background as himself.

Brad Groat
			"The best of Alberta comes from Saskatchewan"