sandbaggers: Re: cast sighting

Re: cast sighting

John McGowan (
Mon, 13 May 96 12:56:30 PDT

I thought that neither Roy Marsden nor Jerome Willis have
aged that well. It was eerie seeing them side by side again, in
very different roles.

While I'm writing I'll describe two other cast sightings,
and I ask your forgiveness if they are obvious to you folks...

I'm one of only five people on the planet who has not seen
"A Hard Day's Night" by the Beatles. I did catch five minutes of it
a month ago (while channel surfing) and saw Richard Vernon in a short
clip. He played a train passenger who was forced to share a train
compartment with the Fab 4. The latter were harrassing him by not
giving him any peace.

Also, while recently looking up some info on a Taggart
episode, I read that Dianne Keene played a Mrs. Wilson in an episode
in the late '80s. I can dig up more info if anyone is interested :) :D

It's a testament to the talent of the UK actors that they can
be seen in such a variety of roles. As Neil once said, " could
never happen here."
