Re: Closest in style

Timothy Keirnan (
Sat, 07 Aug 1999 22:40:56 -0600

>Which is the closest in style to The Sandbaggers, Le Carre's world or Deighton's?
>I think the politics in Sandbaggers has the feel of Le Carre, but Willie
>Caine always strikes me as the Bernard Sampson type.

While I must admit to ignorance of Deighton's work, I always was struck by
the LeCarre qualities of SB. I think it's the often melancholy moods coupled
with a tendency to depend on good dialog to move the plot as much as action.
I like that introspective approach to storytelling instead of non-stop
action, which more often than not seems artificial and stupid to me. I like
SB and LeCarre's reliance on cerebral matters instead of Hollywood rubbish.
