sandbaggers: Re: Female fans

Re: Female fans
12 Aug 94 09:51:37 -0700

On Thursday, 11 August 1994, Ernest wrote:

> Maybe it's a false impression based on too little data, but it seems to
> be that an unexpected number of the Sandbaggers fans are women (unexpected
> because spy thriller *books* certainly don't normally sell that much to
> women).
> If true, why is this? Is Neil Burnside attractive, physically or otherwise?
> (Actually he looks pretty unhealthy to me -- god knows what he was like back
> when he was drinking.) Or is it the cerebral nature of the show, as opposed
> to the usual action slant on spy things?

I hate to pound the sexist drum, but I honestly believe that most
women tend to go for character-driven shows (or books). It doesn't
matter whether the characters are mixed or matched (sex, race, etc.).
As long as there's some sort of emotional commitment or conflict
(or angst), the story will keep my interest. That's why most of
my questions about tSB concerns how someone felt, why he reacted
the way he did, rather than the technical or politcal aspects of
the show (though those areas can be interesting too; BTW, what or
where is Whitehall?).

> My wife thinks Ray Lonnen is a major hunk -- could that be it?

It certainly doesn't hurt when there's a handsome face involved
either :-)

Karen Yost