sandbaggers: Re: Neil and secretaries

Re: Neil and secretaries
09 Sep 94 10:19:18 -0700

On Wednesday, 7 September 1994, Didi wrote:

> About Neil's hostility to Karen--could some of it be because Jeff's
> tried to fix him up with Karen (and Karen seems interested in him
> for more than friendship)? It's not just annoyance that she's
> pushing him to recover from Laura but also the feeling that she'd
> like to be a replacement for Laura in his life.

It's hard to tell just what the show's writers were up to. I also
couldn't tell whether Karen had a romantic interest in Neil or
whether Jeff took her aside one day and asked Karen to do him a
BIG favor and talk with Neil. Karen just wasn't in enough
episodes for us to learn her true motivations. But I really
liked her professionalism with Willie when they were held
hostage on board the airplane. Maybe that's why I try to
defend her *pushyness* with Neil.

Karen Yost