sandbaggers: Re: Burnside as hero

Re: Burnside as hero
Mon, 18 Sep 1995 16:22:49 -0600 (MDT)

On Mon, 18 Sep 1995, Gayle Feyrer wrote:

> I think the fact that he's being considered for advancement when
> Willie isn't, and presented with the Well, who was Willie argument, means
> that he is from the upper crust, though the lower layers of it.

Willie isn't advancing as quickly because he doesn't want to. Willie
isn't that concerned with promotion, he was perfectly fine with his job
and had no real ambition to rise higher. Also Neil was ahead of Willie.
Remember Neil was a Sandbagger a while before Willie was, and WIllie was
behind Neil. So I don't think Neil is getting promoted any faster than
Willie, he just had a head start. I think that is Neil left his
posistion (either because of injury, quiting, or promotion) WIllie
probally would have stood a good chance at takine Neil's place (he might
not have gotten it because WIllie didn't have the ambition to go farther,
as well as the "management" might not think WIllie had the right
mentality for the job).

JASON POTAPOFF. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Dulcius ex asperis.