sandbaggers: Re: Matthew Peele

Re: Matthew Peele

John McGowan (
Thu, 21 Sep 95 12:54:22 PDT

With regard to Ken Crist's last statement...

I'm not sure Wellingham gets to apppoint/approve the deputy
chief. Wellingham states quite clearly, "I can't stand Peele."

In Peter Wright's "Spy Catcher", a book on MI5, he makes it
clear that the deputy is selected by the chief, with the choice an
often unpopular one. He also implies that the political mechanisms
within MI6/SIS are analogous.

Aside from Burnside, Peele is in my opinion the most fascin-
ating character. I find Peele quite amusing. Another episode in which
Peele was one step ahead of Burnside was the next to last one, wherein
Peele almost gets Burnside shoved aside to Barcelona/Madrid. He is
very cunning along with Dalgetty in his scheme. Ironically it is John
Gibbs who officially saves Burnside at the end [but Neil saved himself
by getting the official CIA document ... YEAH, SUUUUUURE!!]

I wish they had shown more of Peele in his upper class snobish-
ness, perhaps by his enjoying one of his favorite (favourite) Haydn
symphonies at a key moment of crisis. It was great to see James Greenley
in his bathrobe enjoying a Bach organ work!!! I really expected for
Peele to wear a bowler to work, however.