sandbaggers: Re: Observations/Questions

Re: Observations/Questions

Jason Potapoff (
Tue, 12 Mar 1996 10:21:38 -0700 (MST)

> True. Somebody please tell me WHY it is so imperative that Caine knows
> that there is a plan to rescue him from the hijack, when Caine already knows
> that Burnside will unhesitatingly sacrifice an operative if that is what it
> takes? (Jake and Laura are prime examples, and Caine doesn't seem convinced
> that Burnside didn't kill Tom Elliott...)

Because if a Sandbagger thinks that if they get in a jam and they won't
be helped by their director if it's too risky politically, then they
won't perform as well. They are going to question their dedication to the
Sandbaggers. On the one hand they (and certainly Caine) knows that if
neccesarry Burnside will not pause to eliminate one of his own, but they
also know that, he will do so only if needed. They know that Burnside
will do everything he can to get his Sandbagger out, even risking his own
job. It's only in the extreme cases where the risk is too great that
Burnside will kill one of his own. It's hard to explain, but I
understand the difference. It's expecially the case with Caine. Seeing
how Caine and Burnside have been working together for so long, the fact
that it was Caine who was in trouble affected it as well. Burnside wanted
to make sure that Caine felt he would do anything in his power to save
Caine and only give up Caine in very extreme cases. Expecially in a case
where the Sandbaggers would be helped more by Caine surviving than
anything else that could be done.

> It's difficult to say why Burnside keeps getting second chances.
> Perhaps the vacancy caused by Edward Tyler's almost-defection caused enough
> havoc in the S.I.S.; getting rid of another director in that short time span
> would be catastrophic. You'll recall, his actual job doesn't actually seem
> to be in that much danger until Gibbs appears on the scene, and Gibbs knows
> him for what he is. I think that Tyler's death is all that saved his job
> for awhile, and he knows it.

I think you put up a good case... The fact that Tyler left them leaves
a big hole in the SIS and that made it harder to fire Burnside. On the
other hand I think it's also Burnside's skill. THey all know that
Burnside is one of (if not) the best at what he does. (also part of the
reason why they don't promote Burnside. He's more usefull where he is) So
it's very hard to fire someone so incredibly good at his job. Yes, he
takes chances and burns bridges, but I think they all know just how good
he is and are willing to live with his downsides as long as he doesn't
go to far.

JASON POTAPOFF. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
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