Sandbaggers: Approximate cost faced by broadcasters to air Sandbaggers

Approximate cost faced by broadcasters to air Sandbaggers

Mark W. McElwain (
Thu, 30 Jan 1997 18:11:01 -0400

Does anyone have experience/advice with this question:

In Canada there are several small specialty cable channels which have a
mandate that might fit with airing older, high-quality programs like
Sandbaggers. Does anyone have any idea how much it might cost for such a
network to obtain the rights to air the 20 episodes? If we decided to
petition one of the networks to air SB, the Canadian alumni of this mailing
list [all 50 of us] could e-mail or write the cable channels, and their
viewership is usually so small that we could bump the numbers at an obscure
time of the week....

Mark McElwain