Re: Denson's death

Jason Potapoff (
Wed, 18 Mar 1998 16:01:17 -0700 (MST)

On Wed, 18 Mar 1998, Mark Foss wrote:

> You've raised several interesting points. First, I would say that Alan had
> the best marks in the school, and that, in the end, he decided to stay with
> the Special Section. I'd side with Neil: he was too good to lose. He was
> being manipulated by Neil, but I doubt he knew it (My conjecture!). If I
> were a SB, I certainly would prefer Alan as a backup to Colin.
> Second, re: Neil's dislike for Colin and the idea of "proving one's worth".
> Doesn't Neil say to Willie that Grove would have to be told what to do, and
> therefore wouldn't make a good Sandbagger? The events prove Neil to be
> right. While Laura slogs away through newspaper clippings (unromantic view
> of spy work), Colin's James Bond like quest for glory nearly costs them the
> Special Relationship.
> There is a place for initiative (when Willie and Karen beat the terrorists
> on the airplane in Decision by Committee), but I think Neil's concern is
> that a Sandbagger has to know when to act alone, and when to be a teamplayer
> (More conjecture.)

Discussing this episode has brought back memories off it so now I feel I
can comment. I agree with you Mark. yes Colin showed initiative there,
but he was too gun ho. He had the attitude reguarding the Sandbaggers that
Neil just hates. The vision of a James Bond style of agent. Colin would
have made for a bad Sandbagger because he wanted to be one so badly. He
had this fantasy of how exciting of a job it is, and he would take great
risks in order to prove how smart he was. When much lower key, more
conservative options would have been the better course. In this case I
think Neil made the right choice. Colin wasn't that self motivated, he
needed to be told what to do which is the last thing a Sandbagger should
be. (Sandbaggers have to be able to think for themselves, they often go
into situations where the plan has to change, or where they have to make a
major decision). That was probally the only really devious, intelligent
thing Colin would ever do in his career. Burnside had the keen mind to
realize that quickly enough to make use of it...

### ./\. ### JASON POTAPOFF. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
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### >______< ### "Where there is much light, the shadow is deep."
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