RE: We have disgraced Him

McClellan, Patti (
Wed, 14 Jul 1999 10:29:54 -0700

Guy, what a great post! I smiled through most of it. I usually
lurk here, but I just wanted to point out that you seem to be projecting
your own interpretations as to motivation onto the characters. To me it
appeared as if Laura was looking at Neil on that bridge as her Lancelot come
to save her. I still recall my sudden realization when she smiled that Neil
was going to have her killed. I hated him for a good week! As to her
self-destructive tendencies, Diane indicated at some point that nice, normal
people wouldn't be Sandbaggers, didn't she? And I speak as a Child of the
Secret myself, as Andrew Vacchs calls us.
One of the things that I love about fandom is that one learns how
differently exactly the same sent of events can be perceived by different

I agree that Neil would never marry Diane, but more importantly,
Diane would never marry Neil. She's too healthy. For the most part,
however, women look at men very differently than men look at women,
particularly with regard to life partnerships. Hardly a woman ever born
truly believes she _can't_ change her man, given a chance. Hard-won
experience has taught me differently, but I suspect that's why Diane would
have said no, even if Neil had ever asked. She knew his obsessive nature
was chiseled in stone.

Oh, and as for your comment that "I have had to be very assertive and
domineering in order to 'get the job done'," a small advisory -- what we
ladies may love in a fictional character will get a real person brushed off
very swiftly. What we may have to tolerate at work we certainly don't have
to tolerate in private life. This is why women who love mad, bad and
dangerous to know" men in fiction will frequently be married to "the boy
next door."

In closing, post more, please. I'd like to see you do an analysis of the
episodes from the point of view of your intelligence experience. Even if
you don't, keep it up, okay?