Re: Micky's dilemma//let's calm this down

Timothy Keirnan (
Thu, 23 Sep 1999 18:52:57 -0600

> Well, then, let's see if I have this
>straight. You sent all of your copies of the Sandbagger tapes to strangers
>and made no provision for the return of said tapes. Now you can't track down
>these cyberbuddy borrowers.

snip snip

>"......neither a borrower nor a lender be......", or at least accept that
>you do so at your own peril. Didn't Mom teach you that one?
>Peter L. Yarney

As I recall my ancient list history, Micky *sold* two sets of series
tapes to the first two responders to the offer (I was lucky enough to
be one of them). There was no naive lending of tapes to nameless
individuals on Micky's part, actually I did that myself after dubbing
copies for everyone who wanted them (at that time). I was foolish
enough to lend my wonderful set of tapes to a listmember who claimed
to work at a video facility and could do a better job making copies
for future requests. This person copied my tapes and (thank God)
returned them, but welched on her promise to make them permanently
available to listmembers. After a few attempts at emailing her I gave
up and figured it was a good lesson in how even fans of SB can be
scumbags. And if you're reading this by chance, heck I've forgotten
your name after two years, I hope you realize you are indeed scum for
lying to me and cheating the rest of the members out of a chance at
tapes just so you could have your own copies.

Ahem, where was I. Oh, what many of you don't realize is how many
emails Micky and I must get each month from good people who ask the
perennial question "can I still get them from you?" This is
understandable because we all love SB and the series isn't totally in
print for commercial purchase. But Micky and I have done our bit for
the cause and there are other sources out there, as has been posted
today and yesterday (but unfortuantely not on the list archive). I
often think Micky and I should really change email addresses because
that's the only way we'll avoid this situation.

So, it looks like we can still get copies from Chris' arrangement and
from Carolyn's generous offer. I suggest people inquire them
regarding this issue and use the list for discussing the show again,
not shouting. There's really nothing to get excited about, except the

Best Regards,