Re: fatalities

Jason Potapoff (
Mon, 6 Oct 1997 21:02:07 -0600 (MDT)

On Mon, 6 Oct 1997, Anton Sherwood wrote:

> > Something I've been thinking about lately is how personally doomed
> > the Special Section was with Burnside as its director. Over the course
> > of 20 episodes, only Mike was still standing when the dust cleared.
> > Neil himself mentioned how rare it was for a Sandbagger to be killed
> > in the line of duty until his tenure as Director began.
> Well, you know, once you get the cameras in, security is shot.
> Maybe it's just dramatic convention, selecting the most exciting
> (dangerous) episodes in what may be years of boredom in the Hutch.
> If it's intentional on the part of the writers, to show that
> Neil's inner demons get people killed more often than normal --
> why didn't Wellingham or C or Peel comment on the bodycount?
> Why didn't Dalgetty raise the issue as a lever?
> Anton Sherwood *\\* +1 415 267 0685 *\\*

I was going to say this the last time this was brought up but forgot to.
I think one of the main reasons why Burnside's Sandbaggers had a higher
fatality rate than his predicessors was because of bidget cuts. Burnside
never had more than 2 Sandbaggers working for him. While before 3
Sandbaggers were he minimum. That means he had less backup to work with.
He didn't have the luxery of having two Sandbaggers working on the same
mission backing each other up (having to rely on less trained people to be
backup). Also they didn't have the same sort of budget to work with
therefore they had to take more chances to get the same thigns done.
Which leads to more fatalities.

### ./\. ### JASON POTAPOFF. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
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