Re: Get well soon, Neil

B. Oltmann (
Tue, 3 Feb 1998 16:41:58 -0800 (PST)

On Tue, 3 Feb 1998, Mark Foss wrote:

> In a North American context, that's a pretty meaningless sentiment. But I
> wonder if that means more in an English context. Throughout the series, the
> use of given names is based on class and rank. (Willie, for example, never
> says "Neil" although he must have when they were Sandbaggers together; Diane
> uses Neil because she's been around a long time and is a mother-figure).

There has been, over the years, considerable discussion amongst
fans of Blake's 7, another dark British genre series (the genre in this
case science fiction, not espionage) which seems to appeal to many of the
same people who love Sandbaggers (for the information of those on this
list who might not yet be B7 fans!), of this class/name phenomenon.
Rog Blake and Kerr Avon, both 'Alpha' class, and Olag Gan, Beta, are
referred to by surnames; Vila Restal, Delta, is referred to by his given
name. There is ongoing debate as to Jenna Stannis, who is presumably
upper-class (she's a pilot, after all), but is also a woman, which might
be the reason she is also referred to by given name.

obSandbaggers: There are also certain similarities between Avon and our
Neil: an emotional distance, coldness, and a deep-seeded idealism. There
are, of course, also many differences. <shrug/grin>

/// Agnes Tomorrow /// ///
"Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from
the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent
disinclination to do so." Douglas Adams, _Last_Chance_To_See_