The Most Suitable Person is an excellent ep - I love the whole
Laura arc, except the one where she plays mata hari, though its fun to see
her to the car crash stuff. I do have trouble believing Laura as an
action heroine, she's very graceful, but doesn't have a feeling of
physical resilience. It would be easier to picture Marianne with the sort
of training Laura's supposed to have undertaken - she seems physically
more feisty, though they're both sharp intellectually.
There are only a few eps I don't like. I find Anna Wiseman
deadly dull. And the first ep is quite weak, though the absurdity of the
Norwegian situation is intriguing.
The second and third (Is Your Journey Really Necessary?) eps are also
particular favorites. I can never remember the name of the second one.
I just call it "The Assassination Bracelet."